query_builder Next Draw: 18:32:48

New York Lotto | New York

monetization_on Next Jackpot: us$ 4.4 Million

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New York LottoSelect Your Magic Number Betting pays 4 to 1 Bet Amount Minimum € 0.91 - Maximum € 91

The Magic Number hit is determined solely by the main numbers. If the selected Magic Number happens to be among the extra balls, no winnings will be generated

About New York Lotto

Just like New York City, New York Lotto is offers a big bite of the apple. Jackpots begin at US$3 million, which means they're larger than the minimum jackpots of many national lotteries. Even better, they increase by US$500,000 every time they roll over, which they do frequently. New York Lotto is made for players who love big-money rollovers. The record jackpot for this game is $65 million.

It's a big game with big money and it's drawn twice a week. New York Lotto offers players 5 prize levels, including the jackpot. Millions are spent in New York on lottery tickets every week, which means you can benefit from the large cash prizes that result.

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